what can we say about our trip to atlanta, in a word, in a few words?
action packed (sam and i DID whip their butts at canasta, on more than one occasion).
delightful cuisine.
beautiful sights. cool little neighborhoods.
most like macau in temperature and humidity.
great running routes potential (if one were so inclined - we were not!).
it all starts though with yet another travel, shall we say, "experience". our A/C flight was to leave at something like 12:50 a.m., and as we were sitting, waiting, dave notices at 12:45 that the plane was not even in its spot yet. five minutes later an A/C rep comes out and announces that the flight has not been cancelled, just "delayed by 8.5 hours" due to "NO CREW". can you believe it? what is with that? most everyone was very upset you can well imagine so we just sat back and waited to see if they were going to do anything; of course they weren't going to, so off we headed to try and reroute ourselves. dave veered directly to the A/C reservation desk and i the opposite direction to westjet. we both felt there wasn't any decision to make - we were going to get to atlanta as fast as we could! thank goodness for cell phones and good ole american express (now the saying "don't leave home without it" has new meaning). dave's findings were that they could fly us the next day, but we wouldn't arrive until after supper time; my findings were that they had a flight, they had room - they just wanted our money, and then oh yes, they wanted us to move IMMEDIATELY - the flight was just ending it's boarding and would be departing within minutes. so from opposite ends of the airport we both started running, plunked down $1200 and literally ran right into the plane. oh i must add that part of dave's conversation did involve reimbursement, for which he went away satisfied. (little did we know that A/C's idea of reimbursement would come to a whopping $300, not that that would have altered our decision in any way.)

Saturday we headed out to Stone Mountain and had a great time touring the park, rode a gondola up to the top and were able to get an awesome panoramic view of atlanta (connie: you would absolutely LOVE the foliage - it was SO lush and SO green!), did the paddle boats (just as the sky opened up on us) and then returned home to cards and eats and more cards, and yet more eats. now i probably haven't mentioned this yet, but josh and dave at cards, well, suffice it to say they need a little more practice! maybe it was our beauty that distracted them, perhaps it was gas from all the indulging we did - but lose they did.

we took in a braves game on sunday and that was SO much fun. nothing like it really. were you beginning to think that shopping somehow had eluded us? DO NOT FRET! shopping is alive and well and we managed to survive i might add. i think we came away with just one little bag as i recall (and i would remember those kind of details, seriously!).
all in all, we had a wonderful time. it was especially great to meet josh - you will all love him - but we are looking forward to many more times together ... soon ... we hope!
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